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I'm Frazer, a digital product designer from London

I bring together all elements of digital design to create unique platforms and products.


Freelance web designer
Specialised in UI and web design

Experience with:
   - Anorak Digital
   - Ntrōpic Group
    - The Brand Launchers
   - Yaya Digital Consultancy

     - Figma
     - Webflow
     - Layout & typography


An online platform for the sale of sustainable fashion

UI / UX design

September 2021 - December 2021

Alterist is a marketplace that unites a community of upcycling designers who are using creativity to drive change, transform fashion culture and make a positive impact on our planet.

My role was to design the platform, including the front-end systems that designers use to manage their profile and products.

"It was a pleasure working with Frazer. He was instrumental in helping to bring our vision to life. We are really happy with the final product!" - Hannah Standen, CEO, Alterist

Brief & Branding

The brief for the project was to create a custom marketplace platform that gives fashion designers a place to sell high-quality, unique and ethical  products, and a means for people to view and buy them. I had to be attentive to the financial, ethical and corporate fabric of the Alterist brand. A major aim, for example, was to avoid the often DIY appearance and reputation of upcycled fashion marketplaces online (e.g. Etsy).  

After studying the style and features of Dover Street Market, Raeburn and Martine Rose's sites, it became clear that in order to
appear as both non-conformist and contemporary as well as:

the interface would have to be clean, modern and easy to use.

Site design

After my brief with Altruist we collectively decided the following decisions were important:

White space

This allows quality content to breathe and there is a strong trend in high-end retail towards minimalistic interface design.

Interactive animation

In order to give the interface some life, animations were to be used in a number of capacities.

For the designer images on the homepage, upon mouse hover, the image scales down, with a delay on the return, creating an enjoyable way of experiencing the featured designers.

On the community page, the list of all designers reveals a preview image on hover that intuitively gives the shopper an insight into the designer’s products or branding.

The website was designed with animated interactions and in an aesthetic motion, to augment and intensify the reader’s navigation and experience of relevant text and image. 

Here I am drawing from the investigative journalist Eyal Weitzman's revised definition of the term 'aesthetics' as something that is not concerned with 'disinterested contemplation' of beauty or for pleasure but a way to augment reality, making the onlooker alert and 'more attuned to sensing' information. (p.44 'investigative aesthetics, the confictsw and ommons in politica truth', Eyal Weitzman and Mattew Fuller)

With this in mind, I have used features such as buttons and links change from lowercase to uppercase on mouse hover or tap; the homepage section titles are dynamic and move up as the user scrolls down the page;. This all works to capture the user's attention, highlighting specific and important information all whilst producing a visually engaging experience.


Through discussion of a number of sans-serif fonts, Inter was chosen by the creative director as the standard typeface for the site. It has good readability for smaller text elements as it has a tall x-height, but also has a strong, professional presence when used for headings and titles thanks to the large number of weights within the family. It’s variable, widely recognised and the style is a very popular sans-serif as it was specifically designed for computer screens.

Tempos Roman Mono, was introduced as a second typeface for the brand to diversify its appearance and to complement its dynamic, anarchic and contemporary brand vision.

Features: no star ratings

No star ratings were necessary as each item was unique, handmade and one-of-a-kind. It also shows clearly that their items are not mass produced and cheaply made and this tool, often used by fast fashion sites, triggers the user to question the quality item prior to buying. The lack of rating contributes to the exclusive branding, distinguishing Alterist from platforms like Depop and ASOS.

This is also an ethical decision as it takes pressure off the individual seller as Alterist acts as the quality control for their products.

Alterist is therefore taking the same approach as Ssense rather than ASOS, Ssense being one of the top online marketplaces for high fashion where buyers don’t have to question whether there is quality control as, besides from the high-fashion respective pricing, all the products are under the trusted Ssense umbrella.


Looking at successful fashion marketplaces, the main function of their platform is to direct the viewer to the clothing, alerting them to the value of the brand’s products and sustainable vision without slowing down the sale process.

This is achieved by continuously executing a smooth user experience throughout the site, which includes:

A large part of the design of Alterist focused around the experience of the designers that sell on the platform. They needed an interface that gave them access to the back-end systems so they could manage their stock and orders through their personal login. The usability values listed above were ever more required here, as a lot of the success of the platform depended on how easy it was for users to control their seller profile. The dashboard is very simple, in keeping with the rest of the platform, creating a functional route for both buyers and sellers to handle their administrative processes.



The UX development was fundamental to the smooth functionality of the site. From initial discussion with the Alterist team, the screens were written on post-it notes to create a paper prototype, from which the site was built as a skeleton within Webflow with all the buttons functional to create a fully working prototype. As is visible in the image of the Webflow interface below, the left-hand side of the interface includes the pages of the site, which was translated from the paper prototype.

This prototype was then tested by friends within the fashion industry to test the product with those who are well-versed in the world of online shopping. From this, responses were handled to develop the prototype further. Issues that came up through this method of user testing included:

Platform custom build

Although the development was handled externally, I wanted to have the limitations of the web during my design stage so I decided to design within Webflow. Not only did this show the automating capabilities of HTML and CSS in real time, but also responsiveness to any screen size is a much more tactile experience using this technology.

Using viewport width and viewport height for sections, images and even text elements brought a whole new idea of responsiveness to light that was directly visible during the design process. Creating a platform that is as operable and visually enjoyable on both desktop and mobile devices is now standard in our mobile-heavy world, and I wanted to utilise the right tools to achieve this target.

This also narrows the room for error during development, taking the guessing game away from the handoff with the values of all parameters clearly visible. I was constantly in conversation with the development team throughout the process of building the platform, and the accessibility of using this method was really appreciated with the coders.